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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Wars : Episode 1 - Jedi Power Battles

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Game Name : Star Wars : Episode 1 - Jedi Power Battles
System : Dreamcast
Date Added : 2005-10-28 00:04:03
Views : 23665

Radar map
Pause the game and press Up, Down, Up, L, R, L to display a radar map at the top of the screen that shows enemies and hostages (Handmaidens in level 4, Pilots in level 9).

Play as Queen Amidala
Successfully complete the game with Plo Koon to unlock Queen Amidala. She fights with her fists and a laser gun.

Return to last checkpoint
After losing all lives during a level, continue the game, and enter the same level. Pause the game and press L, R, L(2), R(2), L, R(2), L to start at the last checkpoint passed before dying.

Jedi Power Battle mode
While playing a game in two player mode, press R + A + B + X + Y to activate Jedi Power Battle mode and allow one player to damage the other and vice versa. Repeat this code to disable it.

Level 14: Survival Challenge
Successfully complete the game with Mace Windu.

On a medium size plateau up against the screen. Jump forward in a leap of faith. It is inside the hut with the Jawa in front of it.

Naboo Swamp
Near the end of the second level down in crevice.

Level 12: Kaadu Race
Successfully complete the game with Adi Gallia.

Gugan Ruins
Near the end after the covered trap, right next to a tree and a large patch of bushes.

Play as Captain Panaka
Successfully complete the game with Obi-Wan Kenobi to unlock Captain Panaka. He fights with his fists and a laser gun.

Successfully complete all seven training levels and save the game to unlock a Jedi named Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Play as Darth Maul
Successfully complete the game with Qui-Gon Jinn to unlock Darth Maul. The version of Darth Maul you will play as is the one you fight on the final level.

Level 11: Droidekas
Successfully complete the game with Plo Koon.

Level 13: Gugan Round-up
The Gugan Round-up level is accessed by finding the three Gugan artifacts throughout the game. They are in the following locations:

Ultimate Saber
In level 14, fight 100 opponents, including all the troop types from the game to unlock the Ultimate Saber. The Ultimate Saber enables one-hit kills on all enemy characters excluding Bosses. You can turn it on or off in menu that appears when the game is paused. Note: You only need to get it once with one of the characters for all characters in that mode (one or two player) to be able to use it.

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